What is Tu B’shvat? Tu B’shvat first appears in the Mishnah in Tractate Rosh Hashanah as one of the four new years in the Jewish calendar. “And there are four…
Who should light candles? On each of the eight days of Chanukah, candles are lit to recall the miracle of the oil. All family members assemble for the lighting in…
United Synagogue : Some Chanukah safety tips for SHUL and IN THE HOME ✓ Always take care when lighting Chanukah candles ✓ Always place your Chanukia away from curtains, paper, books or other flammable…
Yellow Candle Project The Yellow Candle Project, managed by Maccabi GB, is a practical and informal educational tool to remember Jewish Holocaust victims on Yom HaShoah, and broaden participants’ understanding…
Purim Snapshot The name Purim comes from the word pur (“lot”). This refers to the lot which Haman cast to determine the date on which to annihilate the Jews. In…
Once again Woodside Park Cares would like to send Mishloach Manot parcels to members of the community. This is a great opportunity to connect with our members and to let…
Learning From Your Mistakes by Debra In between pesach and shavuot are the 49 days of the omer- as everyone knows………some say that these days are a ladder leading…
My Name is Daniel Pearl by David The Rabbi asked me to talk about something inspirational or inspiring to me. In my opinion the words that follow are multi dimensional…
Seudat Yitro by Elizabeth Seudat Yitro (or Sheoudet Ytrou) (or La Fête des Garçons) by Elisabeth Barkany I chose to speak about Seudat Yitro because it a unique Jewish Tunisian…
A Shavuot Message by Rabbi Michael Plaskow MBE Article written by Rabbi Michael Plaskow MBE our Emeritus Chazan. He now lives in Israel and amongst many other activities he…
The Ten Commandments by Maureen A piece be broadcast for Pause for Thought on Radio 2 to mark the festival of Shavuot by Maureen Kendler. Maureen is Head of…
Holocaust Testimony by Shirley His story is told by his wife Shirley. His story was first printed in the Argus:- a local newspaper based in Brighton and Hove in East…
Safe in Our Hands by Laura Shoah – a simple yet utterly incomprehensible word. What does it really mean to each one of us? No matter how many words are…
WPS Visit to Auschwitz Linda writes: Forty five members of Woodside Park Synagogue set off recently to begin an incredibly moving and thought provoking trip to Krakow and Auschwitz.…
Simchat Torah Rain by Maxine: My daughter, Penina, recently had to complete an essay on the conflict between the prevention of poverty and saving the environment. Which should take…
Simchat Torah – Joy by Esther: Chag Sameach When I was first asked to speak this evening I knew exactly what I wanted to talk about because it’s been…
Wonders of The Universe by Maureen Kendler z”l: Teaching Fellow and Lead Tutor LSJS Below is a short transcript for the Radio 2 programme Pause for Thought. This week…
Rabbi Michael Plaskow LTSC ALCM MBE z”l Chatan Bereshit Some thoughts by Dr Mervyn Leviton: It is impossible to write briefly about the life of the Rabbi Michael Plaskow…
Saying Sorry by Maureen Kendler z”l: Teaching Fellow and Lead Tutor LSJS Below is a short transcript for the Radio 2 programme Pause for Thought. Yom Kippur, the Jewish…
THE TWO POCKETS AND THE CRY OF THE SHOFAR by Maureen Kendler z”l: Teaching Fellow and Lead Tutor LSJS The cathartic “Avinu Malkeinu” prayer which we recite on Rosh Hashanahasking…
THE BROWNLEE BROTHERS – A LESSON FROM THE SOUNDING OF THE SHOFAR by Rabbi Hackenbroch: The summer was dominated with the great spectacle of the Rio Olympics. An opportunity to…
Freedom by Rabbi Michael Plaskow MBE z”l : This is a true story written by Rabbi Michael Plaskow MBE our Emeritus Chazan. He now lives in Israel and amongst…
Straddling Both Worlds Rabbi Wayland: A common sight in shuls during Chol Hamoed Shabbat (morning) Service, is a mix of men wearing tefillin and those not. Until recently, each…