All regular classes and lectures at WPS are open and welcoming to women.
Megillat Ruth Reading
On Shavuot WPS hosts a Megillat Ruth reading by women for women in the community.
All women are invited to take part, no experience is necessary only a commitment to read 4 sentences.
If you would like to take part in future readings or would like further information, please contact
At WPS we celebrate the arrival of a new baby with an annual baby blessing ceremony.
Women are welcome to say HaGomel blessing after childbirth. For more information on this, please click here.
Bat mitzvah
For details of the Batmitzvah Programme and the options available for girls to mark their Bat Mitzvah. Please click here for more information.
To read the Dvar Torahs given by our Batmitzvah Girls please click here
The blessing of HaGomel is said in the presence of a Minyan after a person goes through a life-threatening situation. This can be after surgery, a dangerous journey, childbirth, an accident. WPS offer a supportive environment for women who wish to say HaGomel which is usually said during or directly after the reading of the Torah, at around 10.30am on a Shabbat morning or during the Shacharit service on Monday and Thursday morning.
Please email we can put you in contact with a local woman happy to teach it to you and/or provide support within the shul service.
For more information and to download the HaGomel Guide please click here
WPS offer a supportive environment for women who wish to say Kaddish.
If you have recently suffered a bereavement or have an upcoming Yahrzeit and wish to have someone help you to say kaddish, we can put you in contact with a local woman happy to teach it to you; provide support within the shul service and make the Women’s Officer aware.
Please email
For more information and to download the Kaddish for female mourners booklet please click here
Welfare and Support
As people pass through different life events and experiences, they may need different types and amounts of support.
Please be in touch with WP Cares in the first instance to access support.
Telephone:020 8445 4236 : Extension 2
Please see particular areas of support below:
Chana, can help provide emotional support for couples going through fertility challenges.
Stillbirth/Baby Loss
If you have suffered a stillbirth or baby loss, please be in touch with WP Cares team to get help through this difficult time.
Domestic/Sexual Violence
Every person has the right to feel safe and protected. Jewish Women’s Aid is the specialist organisation in the UK supporting Jewish women and children affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. Please get in touch with them if you are affected.