

by Rabbi Michael Plaskow MBE z”l :

This is a true story written by Rabbi Michael Plaskow MBE our Emeritus Chazan. He now lives in Israel and amongst many other activities he writes articles which are published once a month in an english magazine called HOB. Hitachdut Olei Brittania = British immigrants keeping together.

A few years ago, here in Netanya, we were sitting and watching our grandchildren playing in their garden during chol hamoed Pesach. It was so lovely and warm and a beautiful fragrance of honeysuckle blossom wafted over the lawn. What a delightful view I had from my deckchair. Large size lemons stared me in the eye next to overhanging branches of a palm tree. The occasional butterfly flitted by and some very pretty tropical birds could be seen. I thought to myself this is freedom. Pesach is “Zman Chairutainu” – The Season of our Freedom.

Then I got up from my chair to see the news. The story of the fifteen British sailors captured by Iran dominated everything else. We were all amazed when some of the sailors “admitted” that they had entered Iranian waters and could not believe they had “confessed”. They were then returned safely as a result of a “gift” from the President of Iran to Britain. Then we were told the truth. Even in the short period of time they were in Iranian hands they feared for their lives. However, not once did I hear from any of these sailors any thanks to the Good Lord Above for saving their lives.

In our siddur there is a very appropriate prayer which is recited on Mondays and Thursdays. “As for our brethren, the whole house of Israel, who are in distress or captivity, on the sea or on land, may the All-present have compassion on them, and lead them from trouble to deliverance, from darkness to light, from oppression to freedom, now, speedily and very soon”.

Let me return to the subject of freedom. In every generation, there always seems to be a person who rises up against us in order to wipe us off the face of the earth but Hashem saves us. As we say in the Haggadah, if it would not have been for Hashem then we would still have been slaves in Egypt. I am so thankful that I have that emuna (faith) in Hashem, which strengthens me every time I hear of those who wish to destroy us. Let us pray that Hashem will hear our cry when we call upon Him in truth. Phyllis and I send our best wishes to Rabbi and Rebbetsen Hackenbroch and the entire community for a Chag Kasher V’sameach.

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