Woodside Park Synagogue Library was established over 40 years ago by Menachem and David. For the past 30 years the Librarian has been Alan and under his custodianship, it has grown to become probably the best synagogue library in the UK.
Although many synagogues have a library, almost all of them have only seforim or books on Judaism. The unique feature of our Library is that as well as these, it has books of Jewish interest of a much wider nature.
The Library is split between three rooms and the Synagogue itself.
In the Beis Hamidrash (on the first floor of the Wiseman Linden Building) will be found the seforim, both for reference and for borrowing, as well as our books on all aspects of Judaism and, sadly but importantly, on the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism.
In the Library Annexe (on the second floor of the Wiseman Linden Building) will be found the books of fiction, history, Israel, Zionism, biography, art, photography and culture. It has 5 bookcases (30 shelves) devoted to works of fiction, listed alphabetically by author. It has several bookcases devoted to biographies. It has a section on art and photography and culture. What counts as Jewish culture? Cookery, Yiddish and Jewish Humour for a start. There is an extensive section on history, which includes the history of many Jewish communities around the world. There is a wide variety of books on Israel and Zionism.
At the back of the Stephen Plasco Children’s Synagogue (on the first floor of the Wiseman Linden Building) will be found the Childrens Library and the Harry Newton Youth Library. On Sunday mornings, the children who attend the cheder visit the Children’s Library and chose a book. For around twenty years, the librarian who helped the children to choose a book and then date-stamped the label was Bernard (Bunny). When he retired, his job was taken over by Jenny and then by the class teachers.
Finally, in the Synagogue itself, in the foyer and also just outside the Ladies Gallery, will be found children’s books that may be borrowed and read by children during the services.
Every book and every bookcase has been donated by members. Not a penny has been provided by the shul. We say to our members, it is YOUR Library. Please use it and encourage your children to do so as well. The Library is open during shul office hours during the week and on Sunday mornings. Please come in, choose a book, sign it out and enjoy.