

Each year the London Beth Din (Ecclesiastical Court) of the United Synagogue receives a number of applications from non-Jewish people to convert to Judaism. To all intents and purposes, the London Beth Din administers the overwhelming majority of orthodox conversions in the U.K. The applicants vary greatly in their backgrounds. They include individuals who have become deeply motivated on their own accord to become Jewish, those who have developed an interest in conversion through a romantic relationship with a Jewish person, people who have a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother and some who are converted in other countries or under the auspices of another authority and are seeking to validate and regularise their Jewish status in the U.K. Some applicants already know a great deal about Judaism when they apply, while others know virtually nothing.

For more information on the conversion process please click here to go to the London Beth Din website or contact them below.

The London Beth Din
305 Ballards Lane
North Finchley
N12 8GB
Tel: 020 8343 6270

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