The Torah lists the overall weight of gold, silver and copper used in building the Mishkan. The amount of half-shekel silver coins donated formed the basis of a census of 603,550 males above the age of 20. The coverings for the Mishkan’s furnishings, used to guard them during the nation’s journeys, were made of turquoise, purple and scarlet wool.

The priestly garments were made, starting with the ephod, worn over Aharon’s tunic and robe. It had two shoulder straps (ketefot) and a belt (cheshev) attached. A precious onyx stone (shoham) was placed on each shoulder strap. The next item made was the breastplate (choshen), containing 12 different types of precious stones.

The turquoise robe (me’il) was made. Golden bells (pa’amonim) were placed between multi-coloured woollen pomegranate shapes (rimonim) hanging from the bottom hem. A knitted tunic (ketonet) with a grid-like pattern, a linen turban (mitznefet), linen trousers (michnasayim) and an embroidered sash (avnet) were made for every Kohen to wear. The pure gold band (tzitz) was made, to be placed on Aharon’s forehead. The work of the Mishkan was finished, executed by the nation exactly as God had instructed Moshe.

All of the structural parts of the Mishkan and its furnishings were brought to Moshe, as well as the priestly garments. Moshe inspected all the work and blessed the workers.

God told Moshe to set up the Mishkan on Rosh Chodesh Nisan, to anoint its vessels with oil and to inaugurate Aharon and his sons.

Moshe set up the Mishkan as commanded by God and put all of the furnishings in their correct place. He brought an incense offering on the golden altar, then brought an elevation offering (olah) and a flour offering (mincha).

A heavenly cloud descended upon the Mishkan. When it lifted, the people were allowed to journey on.

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