Shabbat Shalom everybody The word Bat Mitzvah means ‘Daughter of Commandment’ and implies the age of ‘responsibility’, becoming an ‘adult’ or a ‘woman’. But what does that actually mean for…
Shabbat Shalom everyone and a special mazaltov to my brother Oliver. You leined brilliantly and I am sure everyone will agree. I am pleased to be here today to have…
Rabbi Hackenbroch and Gila, Rabbi Wayland and Suzanne, family and friends. Shabbat Shalom! The build up to my Bat Mitzvah has been an exciting one! I had many unanswered questions…
Thank you Rabbi Hackenbroch Shabbat Shalom everyone. My parasha, Bo, describes the last three plagues suffered by the Egyptians and ends with the drama of the Yetziat Mitzraim – the…
Rabbi and Mrs Hackenbroch, Reverend and Mrs Robbins, family, friends and members of Woodside Park Shul, thank you for being here with me on my special day. This week we…
Shabbat Shalom everyone. – Over the last few months, I have been preparing or my Dvar Torah by learning about the real meaning of the word Batmitzvah. Batmitzvah means ‘Daughter…
Shabbat Shalom. This weeks Sedra, Ki Tiseh, includes many stories about our ancestors in the desert. I have been interested in how these stories are connected and most importantly, how…
Shabbat Shalom Rabbi, family and friends; Thank you for coming to shul today on our bat mitzvah. For those of you who don’t know us, I’m Katie. When you grow…