Rabbi, Rebbitsen, family and friends. Shabbat Shalom and welcome to my Bat Mitzvah! The Parsha we’ve been reading in Shul today is called Eikev, in the book of Devarim, Deutronomy. …
Shabbat Shalom. Today, I stand before you, not just as Eliza, but as a young Jewish woman. As I celebrate my Bat Mitzvah, I want to share with you some…
Shabbat Shalom. This morning, we read the parashat Shoftim from the book of Devarim. I would like to share a few words with you about this portion, how it relates…
We have waited a long time for our Bat Mitzvah, we have had a fantastic year celebrating with all our friends and sitting up there, listening to the wonderful D’var…
Shabbat Shalom everybody. I would like to share a few words with you about this week’s sedra Ki Teitsei from the book of Dvarim. Becoming BatMitzvah is all about taking…
Rabbi Hackenbroch, Gila, Chazan Dov Speirs, Chazan Stephen Robins, family and friends Shabbat shalom! Our sidra of Ki Tetze is remarkable in that it contains more commandments than any other…
Rabbi Hackenbroch and Gila, RabbI Akiva and Batya, wardens, family and friends ,Shabbat Shalom and welcome to Woodside Park shul .Thank you so much for coming here to celebrate with me on…