
THEA – Purim

Rabbi and Rebbetzen, Mummy and Daddy, family and friends, Shabbat Shalom. In preparation for today I have been learning about the festival of Purim that we are going to be…


Shabbat Shalom! I am glad you could all join me on this special day when I begin the process of becoming a Jewish adult. My Torah Portion is Parshat Noach…

AMEILA – Vayera

Shabbat Shalom everyone. ​ The Parshawe have been reading in shul today is ParshatVayeira.  It tells us the story of AvrahamAvinu, our forefather Abraham.  His story began in last week’s portion, LechLecha, when we hear about…

ELODIE – Vayera

Shabbat Shalom everybody and welcome to my Bat Mitzvah. This week’s Parashah is Parashat Vayera which is in Sefer Bereshit, the Book of Genesis. These past few Parashiot we have…

CHLOE – Vayera

Dear Rabbi Hackenbroch, Gila, Rabbi Wayland, Suzanne, Chazan Rome, family And friends, Shabbat Shalom! In this week’s Sedrah of Vayerah, Avraham pleads before G-d for the righteous people living in…

AVITAL – Vayera

Shabbat Shalom. Vayehi achar had’varim ha’eileh veha’elokim nisa et Avraham vayomer eilav:  Avraham! Vayomer: Heneini. Vayomer: kach-nah et bin’cha, et yechid’cha asher ahavta et Yitzchak… And it came to pass…

SARA – Vayera

Shabbat Shalom – Rabbonim, Rebbezins,  family and friends .I also want to give a warm welcome to the ex army people from Israel who are visiting our community . In…

DALIA – Chayei Sara

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi, family, friends and members of Woodside Park Shul, thank you for being here with me on my special day. This morning we read Parashat Chayei Sarah.  This…

KATIE – Chayei Sara

Dear Rabbi Wayland and Suzanne, family, friends and the Woodside Park congregation. Shabbat Shalom. Chayei Sarah: The Sedra of Chayei Sarah opens with the verse “Sarah’s lifetime was one hundred…

AMY – Chayei Sara

Shabbat Shalom Everybody. This morning we read the sedra Chaye Sarah from the book of Bereshit. The sedra is filled with many rich insights and accounts. We hear about the…
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